IDM (Internet download manager) 7.1.2 Free Download

Free Download IDM 7.1  Full Version
IDM (Internet download manager) 7.1.2 is compatible software and efficiently supports to all web browsers Google Chrome, Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple safari, Opera, and Bing. Free download IDM 7.1.2 full version with all latest key features that provide ease while downloading your files. Internet download manager is highly recommended files and data downloader from web. It is a fastest downloader in entire the world and you can also boost its speed up to 50% with IDM booster software. IDM can easily download your desired file type when ever you want to download. IDM 2013 is a latest full version available for free download.
IDM 7.1.2 efficiently supported to all file formats such as MP3 MP4 3GP M4V WMA WMV MKV MOV AVI BIN IMG ISO MPA 7Z AAC ACE AIF ARJ ASF LZH M4A MPE MPEG MPG MSI MSU TIF BZ2 EXE GZ GZIP TIFF WAV Z ZIP OGG OGV PDF PLJ PPS PPT QT R0* R1* RA RAR RM SEA SIT SITX TAR and many others. Its latest free full version provides lots of latest upgraded features like Task manager, latest download history, registration method, Help and support, Add URL, File grabber. IDM free download full version efficiently works with windows XP, windows Vista, windows 7, windows 8. IDM has a user friendly interface to provide ease to the users and gives maximum downloading speed.

Add URL:

Internet download manger provides the add URL feature and you can search your desired file from Internet and download with free IDM. You just click on the ADD URL button and a window will be open on screen now you can enter your site URL manually for fast and direct downloading.


It’s a very useful option given by Internet download manager through this feature you can easily resume your downloading for later time and stop it when you want. You just select the file from the IDM file manger window (Downloading history window) and click the resume button from the task bar. You can also stop all your multiple downloading files at a time with stop all feature.

Multiple File Formats:

IDM has efficiency to support multiple file formats with out any trouble and it can 100% works with all type of small and large size files including: MP3 3GP MP4 MPEG MPG M4V WMA MSU TIF BZ2 EXE GZ WMV AVI BIN IMG ISO MPA 7Z AAC ACE ASF LZH M4A MKV MOV MPE MSI.

Folder Specification:

After the downloading any file format of any size you can save files in desired folder or save multiple downloaded files category wise. When the downloading being completed the window shows the option to open file o r show file in folder so you do not need to search your files.

IDM Speed Booster:

IDM speed booster is very useful software for all Internet download manger users. Speed booster provide up to 50% increase in IDM downloading existing speed and if you download any file in 6 min with this software you can download it just in 3 min so it’s a user friendly software and time saver.

Help and Support:

IDM provide help and support option for its users in its latest version while using it if you do not understand you just press F1 key for help and Internet download manger manual will be open with user manual guide. You can also get help with different tutorial given by IDM and get easy access to every features of free IDM.


Registration is necessary for full version IDM usage for more than 30 days but if you do not have any registration so you can use its trail version and enjoy free Internet download manger latest version for month. You can also free download IDM version 7.1.2 from Internet or install it without any trouble and with best key features. Its freeware and shareware versions are also available for downloading you can just visit IDM official site and get those free full versions. (IDM Speed Booster)

Posted by kos aplikasi pc On Jumat, 08 November 2013 1 komentar
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28 Desember 2020 pukul 23.18

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